Who we are

Horizon Construction is Rwanda’s leading local construction company. The company focuses on infrastructure development that includes road construction, housing, energy and water resources. To effectively deliver on its mandate, Horizon Construction acquired state of the art construction equipment and established an asphalt plant and stone crushers. This has allowed for in-house production of construction materials required for Horizon Construction projects. The company also sells this construction material to other private developers and contractors.

Created in 2007, Horizon Construction has to date delivered major infrastructure projects that have catalyzed development and contributed to the ease of doing business in Rwanda. Some of these projects include several kilometres of roads that have enhanced connectivity within the country. Horizon Construction was contracted for the layout of fibre optics nationwide. Other projects include the Bugesera dyke, the first of its kind in Rwanda. The company is also responsible for the construction of several border posts across the country, as well as bridges. Other national landmarks include the Kigali Public Library and the Campaign against Genocide Monuments located at the Parliamentary buildings in Kigali

To be the leading provider of quality constructionand engineering services in Rwanda, the region and beyond.
To form long-term relationships of value with our clients and partners by delivering quality construction and engineering solutions, and employing the best resources and latest techniques.

Horizon Construction operates on the core values of:

  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Sustainability

Safety, Quality and Environment

Health, safety and quality of the environment are of paramount importance to us. We follow stringent safety measures as well as quality procedures to continuously improve construction performance while preserving the environment.

Effective and Dedicated Teams at Horizon Construction, make it Happen.

Horizon Construction strongly believes that its Human Resources constitute the ultimate basis of the Company’s wealth. We consider Equipment& Machinery, Capital and material resources as only passive factors of production. Human beings are the active agents who exploit other resources and carry forward company growth. The Company employs 194 technical and managerial staff on a permanent basis and 63 on temporary basis. Depending on the number f projects going on, the number of casual labourers employed by Horizon Construction from time to time ranges between 1000 to 3000.

General Manager:Horizon Construction

Horizon Construction has distinguished itself as a leading construction company in the country. We are characterized by highly organized and reliable teams of engineers, architects, project managers, and professionals with diverse disciplines and experience. The success of our projects is driven by integrity, innovation, excellence and a client-first attitude. We are also committed to transparency in our business practices.
Importantly, our environmental stewardship is a topmost concern. Our efforts in pioneering environmental conservation and protection are not a luxury, but a necessity to achieve sustainable development for the future.

As we grow our client portfolio, our key priority will be to continue focusing on Rwanda’s development by adopting sustainable and environment friendly technologies. These include road and bridge construction, affordable housing for Rwandans and the creation of Green Neighborhoods as a stepping stone towards the Rwandan government’s initiatives towards green living.. Sourcing potable water and distributing it in an environmental friendly way to Rwandan citizens also forms a significant component of our activities. At the forefront of this growth is the continuous training and capacity development of the teams that make Horizon Construction what it is today. The company is currently executing a work order book to the tune of 138 Million US Dollars.

Marie Claire Muragijimana 
General Manager Horizon Construction